Sunday, December 10, 2017

Chapter 9: Trying to Move On, Confusing Feelings

Oliver was back in the picture again. His ghostly figure standing in front of me. I couldn't help but be his best friend again. He was my rock and my everything. I tell him that I still miss him. It was hard to let him go. I tried so hard to move on but with him here....It was just too hard to let go.
He smiled at me when we gave each other hugs. Showing how much we stilled cared. I didn't care how it might look to the kids or my sister. My sister knew what had happen and didn't judge me on it.
We talked for a while and I told him how our kids were doing. That they had aged up lovely and trying their best in school.
Charlie was busy reading a book in the living room while Holy was busy having a meal. They were going to go to bed soon as it was getting late and they would start going to school.
Rose was in her extra happy mood. She was happy because she was seeing Al. Though I had a feeling that it won't last long. I didn't want to tell her that because I know that lady use to work at my job. Still Rose was trying to be happy for herself. She wanted to find love in her life as much as I did.
Somehow I couldn't let go of the feeling  I had with Oliver. He was sweet and caring. He was everything I still wanted in life but sadly I wasn't sure how to help him or even me at that matter.
The only thing I could do was give him my love still. He makes me feel so good even if he not fully here.
I gave him a kiss goodbye before going to bed. I had to get ready for work since was another long work day but I don't mind working. I really enjoy it. Keeps me away from the house that made me feel sad all the time. 
I woke up in few hours later, got myself changed, got something to eat and headed out the door. I let my children know that I hoped they had a good day at school. Watch them get to school before leaving myself. I told Rose goodbye and was out.
Work was just another long work day. I sat at the kitchen table and had some coffee. It was a little slow but I didn't mind that.
I called a friend to see how they were doing. Than asked Rose how she was doing before slowly getting the mood to work.
At work I meant a woman who I didn't really know well. I asked her a few questions and found out that she was dating Al. Which I was kind of surprise to hear. I kept that in my book to tell my sister. I didn't want my sister to get hurt and only thought it was the right thing to do.
After talking to the chick for a little while, I went on my computer wrote down some reports and check files before sending a quick message to Rose saying I have something to tell her when I get home. 
 I came home after work and decided to sit down with my sister in the living room. I asked her how her day was and different things before slowly taking my time to tell her what I know.
Holy and Charlie were spending some time in Holly's room. They seem to just be doing their own thing but enjoying each other company. I was happy to see them getting along so well. I love them both and even though I know I haven't been the greatest mother at times, it is nice to see them trying to do well in school.
"What do you mean that Al is dating someone? I swear to you sister, if you are trying to get with my man, you will get it!""
"Sis,please listen to me. I am not trying to hurt you or anything."
"Just stop. I don't want to hear it. You just jealous that I have someone and you don't."
"Sis, please. I am not trying to do anything. I just thought you wanted to know. I know you liked him. I just don't want your feeling hurts. That is all I am trying to do."
"Well please don't. I don't believe you and your just trying to make things worse. Leave me alone!"
Taking the hint from my sister, I left her alone. I went into the living room to see what my son was up too. He was watching some TV and the yummy yogurt smelled nice.
Holly came in to watch some TV while Charlie was seeing how I was doing. I told him that Aunt Rose and I were just have a misunderstanding but that everything will be fine. That I told them that Aunt Rose needed to cool off and they decided not to bother her for a while.
Meanwhile Rose ignored me for a while and had a friend over, his name was Darrious Cherry. We will just call him Mr. Cherry. Mr. Cherry seem to be a very nice guy and Rose taken to talking to him for a bit. They decided to play chess for a while.
Somehow it looked like Bella was out and about. Not sure what was up with her. She seem kind of low. I'm not sure what wrong with her or even Mortimer but whatever was going on didn't seem good.
I went downstairs to a dark lonely room, this room was a shrine for Oliver. I missed him so much. I felt worse than dirt. I was alone for a while. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Just wanted to be by myself. What will I do now. I want to be with Oliver so bad but I can't. He is gone. My sister is unhappy with me because she thinks I am one way when only trying to help. It was confusing to let go of things. 
I went into my room and cried myself to sleep. I didn't feel like talking about it. No one would understand and I just wanted to be alone with my dark hated thoughts.
 Holly and Charlie went to bed. Sleeping in their beds and trying to deal with not knowing their father. I know it was hard on them at times but I still wasn't ready to tell him yet. I didn't think they would understand.
Rose gave Mr. Cherry and hug goodbye. He was happy to have spend sometime with Rose. I think he liked her but never really got a chance to tell her. She mainly talked to him about other things and sometimes even Al. He tried this best to support her in anyway he can. 
Rose was enjoying the night in the living room for a while. The warm fire from the fireplace made her feel better. She decided to ask Al if he was seeing anyone but she never got a text back. She decided to leave it alone for now and see what would come of it later.
She started to think of what I said and she felt bad about getting upset with me but she was still worried about things.
The kids got up before getting ready for school. They decided to play a chess game before they would leave for school. School was going well and slowly working on getting their grades up. I was proud of how well they were doing.
Sometime I would tell my kids who their dad was and what happen but for now, I wanted them to work hard in school. I know that they were doing their best and would sometimes ask me about dad but I still wasn't ready.
A little before I would go to work, Rose came up to me and told me that she was sorry for getting upset with me. She told me that she tried to text Al but the won't say anything to her. I told her to give it sometime and see what happen. I didn't want to tell her that it would get worse before better. If it was true that the lady was the one dating him, than I have a feeling Rose would not be happy with that. I wanted to believe that the lady was lying but a part of me wasn't sure.