Sunday, December 3, 2017

Chapter 1: So It Begins

My Life has never been the same but I am starting at a time in my life that things were just normal. Boring in fact but that is how I wanted it or wish for it to be. Sadly not everything was wonderful and great. I am getting head of myself so let us start over. My name is Betty Boop Dewdrop. I moved to the wonderful town of Willow Creek. My sister, Seagreen Rose or Rose for short lived in the home since we were children. Our parents were great business savvy. They knew how to take care of us and gave us everything they need. They past away soon after we were done with high school, leaving us with only the house and their memories. I fall in love with a man named Oliver Dewdrop.
Oliver was a sweet and handsome man. Some say I was crazy to fall for a nerd brain of a guy but I find that he is everything and more. I am not one to say that looks doesn't matter but to me, the most important thing is their personally. No only that but he seem to understand my low points and get me to laugh when I feeling down. He is everything I never wanted and so grateful for the moments we shared. For in truth without him, I am nothing but a shell of myself.
Seagreen Rose or Rose for short, is the sweet and caring one of the family. I feel like she is more like our mother everyday. I try not to tell her that but she seem to have this feeling about her that makes me happy to have someone with me. Rose wanted to find her own place but money was tight and I told her not to be silly, that she could stay with us. Oliver seem to not be bothered that she wanted to stay. In fact he seem to be pretty happy. I felt somewhat jelly inside but my sister is not one to take my love away. She not that cruel to take someone loves away. She still trying to figure things out and she has time to find love. I do hope she find her love but at the same time I don't want to push her. She is my sister and I want everything to be right for her.

Living in Willow Creek hasn't changed much, the warm sun beating down our skin. Soon we would started our jobs and get our life going. However I was thinking about starting a family. Maybe it was wrong of me, maybe I push too much of Oliver to do it. I don't know but somehow our dreams of our lives together will be cut short but before hand, our lives were as you say boring, normal and just plain good.

2 Months Ago
Oliver and I have been a good relationship for as long as I could remember we wanted to get married as soon as we could. We wanted to spend as much time with each other before things would get crazy. Oliver was sweet and took me to a beautiful tree. The tree was different than any other tree I saw but someone Oliver made it extra special. He gave me  a romantic kiss by the tree and told me that this was our special day. The day we would never forget.
He asked me than and there to be his one and only. Well maybe I was wrong to say we were dating. We didn't become boyfriend and girlfriend yet. So he asked me by the tree if we could. I know it sound like we were rushing but like I said before, we knew each other in high school but we were both too shy to tell each other.
His flirting ways made my heart jump out of my chest. He sure knew how to treat a girl. I am so lucky to have him. His eyes shine bright and deep. He truly cared for me and told me everything I wanted to know. He told me there was a company named With Love that would help make our wedding day photos. I was excited for that to happen.
He made a promise to me that no matter what happen, he would always love me. That was the day I wish it never came. The day when things would change forever but for now, we are safe in our dreams. Safe from the truth that would not come to be. A few days ago the With Love Company came to give us some lovely photos. Here is what they looked like: With Love . I still amazed at how lovely the photos turned out. I kept them safe to remember them by.
After some time spending with Oliver, I talked to my sister about him. She was happy for me and wanted the best for us both. She didn't think we were rushing or anything. She truly is the best sister. I never knew what I would do without her. We talked for a few hours about things. She wanted to work on some artwork. I never did tell you that my sister is pretty good with making artwork. She would paint for hours as a child and come up with pretty pictures. I was jealous of her. I would never be that good.
In her room she worked away, her hand lightly brushed with every meaning in her body. The way she made things work so beautifully in the end is beyond me. I never knew how she was able to do that. For the past few days at home, she worked hard with painting. She decided she would stay at home working on her art, which at that moment was fine by me. It is her life and I can say that she doing a better job of it than me.
A few weeks later, Oliver told me to a place I never been before. I never knew there was a secret world or even knew that it was so pretty. Oliver had told Seagreen Rose that he was going to take me here. He told her something else but wouldn't tell me what it was. I asked him when we left what was going to happen but he told me wait and see. 

The air felt nice and fresh like I was in a dream. If it was a dream, it was a happy one. The place looked sweet like candy and everything around me felt just different.
The waterfall was so beautiful and I looked at it for a while. Still amazed at how this place is here and yet no one ever came here before. I looked at the rainbow and remember what my father once said, "The beautiful Rainbow will give you good luck. No matter how far you are. It will always guide you." I always remember that to this day. I love how my father would make things sound better than it really was. He loved my mom and us so much that he worked so hard. Sometimes he would come home late just to make sure we had everything we needed and never ask anything in return. Somehow I wish my father was here to tell me that everything was fine and things would get better but life goes on.
After looking at the wonderful waterfall, Oliver asked me to wear my best outfit. I didn't understand at the time what was going on but I figured it had to be special. I wore my special dress that Oliver bought me a month ago. It was a pretty red dress that made me look so pretty in the moonlight. Oliver was wearing his best as well. Than he took a deep breath and said," My beloved Betty Boop, would you do me honors and be my wife? You are my all in all and I wish nothing more to be by your side."
I was shocked to hear him ask me. I was excited for this very moment. It was truly happening. We are going to get married soon and I was excited for it.
He open the box of the ring he kept near and showed me love more than I never knew. I didn't know what to say at first. His eyes were so bright and handsome. All I could think about was wanting to kiss him. Take a moment in longer and seeing him get worried about it I finally gave him my answer. Yes!
After saying yes, we talked for a moment about the plans we were going to make. Since we didn't know a lot of people at our town, we would make it just the two of us and of course have my sister there to be part of it. all. I was happy to be getting married to my best friend. I couldn't wait to tell my sister about it.
Oliver pulled me close for a kiss I so badly wanted. We stayed that way for a while. Getting lost by the beauty of it all. He truly makes me want to sing if only I was a singer but my heart sang for joy. My chest pound with happiness and for that very moment, I was lost back in time, of the days we were young and silly.
I was ready to go back home, looking at this wonderful tree and help me with some issues in my life. That life will never be perfect no matter how hard you try but that good things will happen when you wait.
Oliver and I finally got back home, we were tired but happy with what was going on. Oliver told me that he plan on getting a job soon but wanted to wait before we got married first.
I looked backed at him and told him that it was fine by me. The more time we had together, the more we were closer. I never thought we won't be close but somehow it made it worth the wait. Soon my sister will find out that we would be getting married soon. She was super happy for us I am sure. I can't wait to tell her.
Back home, Rose gave me a hug so tight that for a moment I thought I wouldn't be able to breath. I told her not to hug me too tight and that I had something to tell her.
"I'm sorry sister, I don't mean to hug you so tight but I am just excited to see you. I know something magically happen and I know that no matter what, I want you to know I am happy for you."
"Aww, Thanks sister, I am guessing that Oliver told you about what was going on?"
"Yes, he did tell me but I am still happy for you both."
We were both super happy about it and we talked for a while. I was getting super tired though and told my sister "goodnight" soon after that. I decided to go to bed. I was ready for dream land. Sweet happy dreams.

Oliver was already in bed by the time I came up the stairs. He was super tired like me and wanted to make sure my time with my sister was as long as we wanted to be. He was always great about letting us have our sister time.
I finally got myself to bed dreaming about wonderful dreams. I was excited for the big day. The day of wish we would be married and to be together forever or at least we both hope it would be.
Last to fall sleep before the next day to come was Rose. She was pretty tired working on painting all day and wondering how things were going for Oliver and Me. Life will sure be different but everyone fall asleep dreaming of wonderful dreams.

{Hope you like it so far. I will work on more chapters and see where it will go from here. More to come real soon.)