Thursday, December 7, 2017

Chapter 7: Family Time And Birthdays

I was glad that it was the weekend. It gave me time to spend time with my growing family. Seagreen Rose was sweet enough to help me when I couldn't take care of both at the same time. The bond she had with them warmed my heart.
I hugged my sister and thanked her so many times, that I am sure she was tired of me saying it. She just smiled and told me it was alright. She told me not to worry so much. I didn't think I was worrying so much but I guess it showed from time to time. I worried that something bad would happen to them.
Rose hugged me for a long time and told me that she was happy I was there. She told me that she worried about me. Always working and going out. I told her that I just wanted to get away from the house for a while. It helped clear my head. Which she understood for the time being but she also didn't want me to not bond with my children.
They were sweet babies. Just relaxing in their cribs. I was happy that they didn't know their father. I didn't want them to think that I pushed him so hard that he died because of it. I know it wasn't my fault but yet deep inside of me felt like it was. Soon it would be their birthdays and I was looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
I talked to Seagreen Rose about Charlie and Holly's birthdays. She was excited to celebrate their big day. We decided that it would just be a family affair. Since I didn't want people my kids didn't know yet.
Rose thought it was a great idea. She wanted to celebrate just the way it was. We didn't want to make it all fancy. It was bad enough that Oliver was not around to see them age up. Even if he is a ghost, I still don't want my kids to feel weird about it.
After talking for a while, Rose got something to eat before getting ready for bed. We decided that the next day would be their birthdays. It was getting closer to the time they would aged up.
Before I went to bed, I worked on some reports and made sure things were in order. Even though I wasn't going to work tomorrow. I wanted to get things done so I could spend as much time with my children.
Rose decided to play some chess since she was done resting for a while. She wanted to work on her logic skill, which was fine by me. I sure that Charlie or Holly won't mind playing chess when they got older.
She took a power nap on the sofa not too far away from the kids. This way she could help them age up for their birthdays and help celebrate the big day.
It was still early morning and the two of them just slept like little angels. It was nice to see that they weren't so needy at times. It helped us get the sleep we needed.
I was feeling pretty flirty and ready for a great time with my kids. It was Friday and I forgot it was the time I would get ready for work. So I ended up telling Seagreen Rose, I would see them age up when I get back home from work.
Outside of work there he was, J Huntington lll. He was really handsome man. I wanted to get to know him a little better. Work could wait a little bit. I had time to get my reports and other things done.
I got my reports going and slowly emailed Rose on how things were going. She told me that the kids were acting well. She feed and cleaned them up. She couldn't want for when the kids would age up. I was getting pretty excited myself.
At work as the ghostly guy again. He worked at my building. I was starting to think this place was haunted or that he died here but so far he never really told me where he died or why he was still here. Still I did my best to know him. It was very odd to talk to a ghost that was not my husband. I started to think about him when we talked about things.
It seem my charmed worked on him too well. He was very flirty and very interesting to know. I liked him and he seem to like me too. I guess I have my way of making men feel things. I can't really help myself since I am the one who seem to flirt with them pretty easy.
I gave him a romantic hug and kiss goodbye. Soon after I came home, I found out that he was no longer going to my work place. He let his spirit be free. It was sad to see him go but there was only ghost lover I wanted and that was still Oliver. I didn't tell Rose that I kissed a different ghost. I'm sure she would feel weird about that. Oliver, I'm sure won't like it at all and wait to fight him away from me. It is my choice who I want to be with now, since he can't come back. No matter how hard I tried.
Rose made herself some tea before the kids would age up. I came home from work feeling alright but kind of tired. It was nice she made tea as it seem to make me feel a little better. Rose seem to be in a good mood and I wonder why that could be.
Charlie and Holly aged up into very sweet kids. They both seem to be really happy. I don't know why Holly had red hair as far as I know, none of my family member had red hair but she was pretty. I didn't want to change anything about her. She was a very social girl and very sweet. Charlie on the other hand was more of a smarty pants. He seem to enjoy playing chess and learning harder math. Which made me think that Rose and him would get along just fine.
However seem to go down hill pretty fast. Charlie was upset with the fact that he had a siblings. I guess you could say that he is semi loner. He was upset about it and seem to not care what he was doing. Which made me worry a little bit as there was no father figure for him.
We all stood there not sure what to say. It seem that Charlie just wanted to calm myself down some where far away from the family. I decided to not push it. It was his birthday and he could do whatever he wanted too.
After slowly cooling off for a bit and new clothes put on them, Holly slowly worked her magic to make Charlie feel better. Charlie did his best to calm down and even though it took him a while longer, he finally got out of it. He was happy to have a sibling but felt like he wasn't going to get the same kind of love. Which that was not true. I loved both of them the same, even if I don't always show it all the time.
I wish my kids Happy Birthday and went to bed early. I was feeling pretty tired for a long days at work but promise the weekend would be better.
They seem to be alright about it and told me "goodnight" before going into the living room to hang out. They joked around and talked about different stuff. It was good to seem them getting along well.
Rose was busy making herself some tea again and cleaning up the kitchen. It was getting pretty dirty and needed to be clean up a little bit.
The kids were still up late into the night and talking for a while. They were getting to know each other but it was getting pretty late. Rose came in after cleaning the kitchen and told them to get ready for bed. They went to bed having a pretty good birthday. They were pretty excited to spend some time with me and Rose. I'm not sure what the plans are but I'm sure we would have a good time.
Rose decided to stay up late and work on some stuff. I have a feeling something was going to happen because she seem to be in a very happy mood. I think it had to do with the fact that she seem to like this Al guy. I didn't know him very well but it seem like he was a sweet guy for her. I didn't stop her from liking anyone or even if she wanted to date someone. I just want my sister to be happy.