Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Chapter 12: Heart Break

POV Seagreen Rose

Betty Boop came home late leaving Oliver feeling stress out. Even though we all know he died, he still haunts the house. I don't mind seeing him as he was a dear friend and Betty Boop would cry thinking of him. She loved him but the way she dealing with her past wasn't good.
Oliver could tell she was doing stuff. He felt it in his dead heart of his. I felt sorry for him but I didn't have to say anything. Betty Boop would do whatever she wanted and that was that.
For me life was getting confusing, finding out that my sister told me about this lady who was dating Al. I didn't want to believe her. I wanted to find out that she was wrong but as soon as I got to his place....I didn't know what would happen next. 
Al was outside of his house with the lady that Betty Boop told me about. When I saw them kiss, I didn't know what to say.
I felt really crappy thinking he cared for me when he didn't. I didn't even have to know what he was doing because whatever he would say won't matter. I stood there crying while they kissed.
Al saw that I was crying and was trying to make me feel better but it was a little too late. I didn't care if he told me it was just a one night stand or whatever it was. I wanted him to leave me alone.
"Sorry Al but since you don't care for me like I thought you did. I think we should not be together."
"Wait, why, I didn't mean too hurt you. Please. I  am sorry."
"It is too late to say sorry to me. You want to be with her when I try my best to be there for you, than we are over. I don't care what you say next because I am here to say it done and over with. "
He looked at me and than said, "Well I am sorry you feel that way because I didn't want to be with her. In fact, the only thing I would tell you is that she only wants me for my body and nothing else. Even when I try to fix it, the only way I can help fix it for her is sex. When I say sorry to you or you say sorry to me, we don't have to do that but she can't. I just wish you won't end our relationship but I understand."
Even when he said that, I didn't care. I know he was with her and hearing him saying he had sex with her, made me feel ill inside. I wanted to be with someone who wanted to be with me and only me.
After I told him that I didn't want to be with him, he stood there crying. I did feel a little bad but not as bad for what he did to me. He thinks that I would take his crap, he had another thing coming.
The next thing I didn't know would happen was that he died from a broken heart. I never thought he would do that but it showed how much he cared for me but I didn't want to be with him if he was going to be with someone else.
I looked to see the woman crying. She was upset because her man was no longer there but than she was upset with the fact that he left her. I didn't feel too sorry for her because she took my man. I didn't feel heartless but at times I wish my life wasn't so drama filled like my sister.
I stayed over at her house as I found out that she had kids. I didn't know he was a father but it made it worse. I swore to her that I would never see her or her family again. I didn't care if she told me her sad sorry or what she plan on doing next. We ate and in the morning, I left.
Before I left, I found Al body in his house, the first time didn't seem to hurt him because he came back to life with his so called wife or whatever you want to call her. I still didn't feel bad. He left me for her and didn't care to even break up with me.
After that, I came home feeling worse than dirt. The lady and her children left never to be seen or heard from again. I was glad because I would hate for someone else to deal with her crap.
I decided to get over him and feel better was to paint. Painting was my way of dealing pain. Sometimes when life was getting too much or I wasn't in the mood to say much to others, I would paint pictures.
Next morning everyone was getting ready for going to work or school. I decided to keep to myself a little while longer. 
Betty Boop sat down on her sofa eating some pancakes. I could tell that she was worried about me but decided not too push it.
Holly and Charlie were eating breakfast before they would be going to school. They didn't ask me what was wrong because at the time I didn't want to tell them. They were children and I wanted them to do well in school.
They worked on their homework and kept to themselves. I did feel bad for not helping them but I was too depress to help anyone, let alone myself.  They finished in time before going to school.
I called the sadness hotline that Betty Boop told me about. They were helpful making me feel better but I still felt a little crappy. So I went upstairs in my room to work on another painting.
I looked at the finished painting I made, I know that life was hard and the picture was how I was feeling but I know I would get over it soon. I just wanted to get over this sadness to make everyone else feel better.
I would take relationship slow and see if I will find my true love but for now, my first love that I ever had that feeling I had with him was gone. I don't know if I would find the same kind of love again.
Betty Boop decided to say "goodbye" to me as she was about to go to work.
I told her thanks for the sadness hotline call and that I was slowly feeling better. That made Betty Boop feel better. I know she has a lot on her plate but sometimes you have to feel things before you can get better.